Your cooperation in this on-going survey allows Mid-Florida Marketing & Research to track area tourism trends. Your information is of vital importance in helping the tourism industry in our area.
Please fill in the information below. It will be kept strictly confidential. If you have any questions or comments please call us: (386) 253-0809 or email: Your participation is greatly appreciated.
All information will be kept strictly confidential.
The information for the month of May 2021
Total room nights available for the month of May 2021?
Total room nights sold for the month of May 2021?
Total room revenue for the month of May 2021?
Information for Memorial Day Weekend (Friday, 5/28/21, and checking out Monday 5/31/21).
Total room nights available for Memorial Day (Friday, 5/28/21, and checking out Monday 5/31/21).
Total room nights sold for Memorial Day Weekend (Friday, 5/28/21, and checking out Monday 5/31/21).
Total room revenue for Memorial Day Weekend (Friday, 5/28/21, and checking out Monday 5/31/21).
Were there any factors that affected this month's room rates and occupancy rate (such as COVID-19, gas prices, economy fears, conventions, seminars, special events, meetings, bad weather, etc.)?
Please provide the following
Created with an Unregistered Copy of SurveyGold survey tools -